Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine
Preventive Health Care
Our Mission as Your Osteopathic Doctor
As an osteopathic physician, we take a holistic approach and not just fighting your illness, but preventing it. Providing you with the most comprehensive care medicine has to offer.
One of the two schools of medicine in the United States, the Doctor of Osteopathy or DO has the similar credentials of an Allopathic Doctor or MD, but a minimum of 200 hours of hands-on training in physical diagnosis and treatment before they graduate medical school.
Frustrated with the traditional medicine of the time, the founder of Osteopathic Medicine Dr. Andrew Taylor Still, developed a method of diagnosis and treatment based of the following tenants:
- The body is a unit
- The body is able to heal itself
- Structure and function are related at all levels
- Rational treatment of a person should be guided by the above principals
Therefore, it can be summarized that if the barriers for disease are removed through proper anatomic alignment, the body has the ability to fix itself.
Family Medicine

Founding Father of Osteopathic Medicine
During our studies of medicine, we learn to always reflect back on history and the root cause of a disease or illness. Andrew Taylor Still was the founding father of osteopathic medicine after he became dissatisfied with the effectiveness of treatment in the 19th century. Dr. Still identified the musculoskeletal system played a critical role in health and disease. Focusing on the body as a whole from head to toe regardless of your illness and presenting osteopathic manipulation to return the body back to health.
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